Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

St Bartholemew’s Hospital

St Bartholemew’s Hospital

Category: Commercial Scaffolding

Scope of works:

Over 1700sqm of a temporary roof, over 10,000 square metres of scaffolding works providing access externally and internally to the main and surrounding buildings.

Scaffolding included hanging and demolition with hoist solutions. Birdcages to allow access platforms for roof works.

Crash decks for demolition.

St Bartholomew’s Hospital was closed in 2016 and was the oldest hospital in England. The building is being redeveloped to create 155 homes.

With the age of the building, we faced some challenges, which included weak floors and unstable ground. We overcame this with back propping and beam to ease loading on specific areas.

Additionally, because the roof works were at different heights, we ensured all areas remained watertight using a specialist roof flashing system.


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